Customer voice & ideas portal

Historical Playback

Different SCADA-systems has a playback functionality that has been requested from several of our customers.

This is a very good functionality for debugging/digging in situations to understand and find out what was happening back in history

This is a function that enables the operator to click on “Playback”, choosing a time in history, then the system is “Playing” the history, which enables the operator to sit and look of the objects in a page

Competitors to Plant SCADA also have the option to copy the database, and then use the playback-function and the database in a different location (very useful when it comes to debugging).

Operations Management Interface (OMI) has this functionality. Should it not be quite simple to implement this to Plant SCADA as well?

  • Peter Chung
  • May 2 2023
  • In Roadmap
Idea business value

Requested from several of our customers.

Idea priority 3 – Some use to my company
  • Attach files
  • +4