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Upgrade the MAXIMUM LENGHT for STRING and CITECT.INI Parameters over 254 characters !

As discussed in TN000028481, the MAXIMUM LENGHT for STRING and CITECT.INI Parameters is 254 characters !

This cause many problems inside CICODE SCRIPTS (this limit is too strong in modern world!) and in [Event] parts of citect.ini (you must reduce the length of the event names called in IOSERVER since 254 char)

Furthermore no message are sent to the programmers if this limit is passed.

  • Apr 28 2023
Idea business value

I ask to extend this limit from the current 254 to 512 or 1024 CHARACTERS, so as to overcome this problem for many AVEVA System Integrators.

Best regards

Adriano from RIMINI (Italy)

Idea priority 4 – Important to my company
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