Customer voice & ideas portal

Equipment editor use patterns

When creating Equipment types it will save a lot of time when it is possible to use pattern’s
For example when creating an alarm several Item’s need to be created with the same structure:
<alarm>_Suppressed alarm

  • Thijs-Jan Zelhorst
  • Feb 10 2023
  • Future Consideration
Idea business value

Saves time

Idea priority 4 – Important to my company
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    February 10, 2023 08:57

    Maybe an option to implement the following, just to give an example:

    Create an eqtAlarm with the items already described (suppression etc.).

    Create an eqtMotor with an item of the eqtAlarm type.

    For every alarm of all pieces of equipment the same items are added.

    This would make it so much easier to use. It's more like a struct or the ability to nest equipment types. One level deep would be enough I guess.

  • +8