Customer voice & ideas portal

Find user function from Plant SCADA Studio

Add an extra search option in the Find & Replace option in the Studio. The Project Editor used to have this option.

  • Guest
  • Nov 8 2022
Idea business value

Makes development a little bit easier. You don't have to start the Cicode Editor first.

Idea priority 3 – Some use to my company
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  • Guest commented
    July 13, 2023 05:49

    Hi Bradley,

    Thanks for replying. The Find user button from the Cicode Editor I know. it's just that you first have to open the Cicode Editor to be able to find the function. An extra button on the Search & Replace form in the Plant SCADA Studio makes it a little faster to find the Cicode you are looking for. Not a killer feature I admit, but nice to have.

  • Bradley CECIL commented
    July 13, 2023 03:41

    This function still exists and is located in the Cicode Editor. Look for it on the toolbar (magnifying glass with fx icon) or in the Edit menu when you have at least 1 code file open.

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