Currently, The CitectSCADA connector reads Trend tags, SPC, Alarm tags, and Variables (String and Digital data type) info from Plant SCADA and writes data to AVEVA Historian.
It would be better to have other data type variables, like Int, Long, real etc to be able to forwarded/written into AVEVA Historian as well.
Idea business value
In Plant SCADA Studio there is a field to enable Historization for variable tags (all data types) which makes it obvious for users to get an impression that all variable tags can be historized and forward to AVEVA Historian. |
Idea priority | 3 – Some use to my company |
Historize = True for all variables still applies for legacy systems that use the Citec Historian / Viejo Historian that is no longer for sale but still able to be used by legacy customers. This field is documented in the help how it applies.
There was a decision to filter out variable data types, to encourage the end user to configure a Trend tag instead. The benefit of Trend tags is that they support backfilling, such that any interruption between SCADA and Historian, the data is not lost. But I think we can put control into end users hands, and remove this restriction, and inform them of risk associated with using variable tags.
The Historize=TRUE for variables is available. This feature should work, otherwise, its misleading.