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OPCUA Variable Import limited to 79 characters

When you import Variable Tags from an OPCUA Server the tag names are truncated to 79 characters, this is sometime not enough. Duplicate tagnames are not allowed. You have to manually adjust all the names. For instance when you connect to a Plant SCADA OPCUA Server and import the variable tags the first part is always:

Would be better to skip the Objects\BrowseProvider\ part and put Cluster1 into the cluster field, but this is maybe rather specific for the Plant SCADA OPC UA Server.

  • Guest
  • Oct 11 2023
Idea business value

Would make it a lot easier to import variable tags from an OPC UA Server

Idea priority 4 – Important to my company
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    November 13, 2023 08:32

    Same problem detected when connecting to a codesys OPC UA server. Variable names are truncated resulting in the inability to obtain unique names. The only solution is to manually rename the variables, however losing the possibility of automatically updating the database. This update should have top priority.

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